$77,500 Providence, Rhode Island Car Accident Settlement

Auto Accident Settlement in Providence, Rhode Island

When a Providence, Rhode Island, driver barreled into the rear of our client’s vehicle, the driver added injury to insult by attempting to flee the scene. During the impact, our client’s knee was clammed into her console, resulting in a medial meniscus tear. The other driver received a citation for leaving the scene of the accident.

In addition to the torn meniscus, our client suffered a concussion and multiple injuries to her back and neck.

Our client underwent emergency surgery to repair the meniscus tear, followed by painful physical therapy. The collision left our client, a nurse, with nearly half a year of lost wages and significant medical expenses.

Following months of treatment, our client was ultimately able to return to work. But she continued to experience ongoing limitations with the knee and is now at risk for future treatment.

Attorney Mike Bottaro handled the case from start to end. The at fault driver’s insurance company ponied up a maximum policy limit settlement Mike also pursued and obtained additional benefits through our client’s uninsured motorist (UM) insurer. The Bottaro Law Firm, LLC worked hard to keep our client updated throughout the case and to ensure that she was properly compensated and reimbursed for all expenses.

At the conclusion of the case, Mike was able to ensure that all medical expenses were paid and a lump sum recovery was made on behalf of our client.