Practice Area Category: Slip and Fall
This Pawtucket slip and fall case involved an alleged violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act and settled the week before trial.
Our client was awakened in the night to a fire alarm while staying at a hotel and tripped over an unmarked curbstop at night, resulting in emergency surgery.
Our Salem, MA client suffered personal injuries while getting out of her car in a parking lot that was neglected to be cleared of ice. Continue reading
Our Newport, RI client suffered personal injuries when she tripped over a wheelstop in a café parking lot. Continue reading
Our client suffered a complex wrist fracture resulting in external fixation in emergency surgery after slipping and falling on ice.
Our Woonsocket, RI client slipped and fell in the parking lot of her apartment complex, resulting in a complete ACL knee tear. Continue reading
Our client suffered a personal injury resulting in trimalleolar ankle fractures. A settlement was reached after our firm filed suit.
$650,000.00 Pre-Trial RI Slip and Fall Settlement: Regional market failed to correct a leaky roof and entranceway, causing our client to sustain a devastating knee injury. Mike litigated this case through discovery over the course of several years.