Warwick Car Accident – $200,000.00 Settlement By Mike Bottaro For Grateful Client!

Has your life ever been disrupted in the blink of any eye? For my 27-year-old software professional client, a bad Warwick car accident had this effect.  I’d like to recount how recently after walking with him through his recovery, I was able to win him a $200,000.00 settlement.

Attorney Mike Bottaro

This case highlights that if you suffer personal injuries in a Rhode Island or Massachusetts car accident where the at-fault driver was a hit-and-run driver, you may still be entitled to monetary compensation.  My firm always offers a 24/7 free case review so please do not hesitate to contact us about your specific case.

What Happens After A Hit And Run Car Accident? Warwick, Rhode Island Case Highlights Uninsured Motorist Process

Our young client was traveling on I-95 North in Warwick, Rhode Island when a careless driver lost control of his car in the opposite lane, causing his car to cross the line and strike our client’s car in a head on collision.

 The driver of the other car fled the scene, before Rhode Island State Police and the Warwick Fire Department could arrive. Our client was banged up, in immediate pain, requiring emergency rescue to extricate him from the totalled car and rush him to the hospital.

Warwick Car Accident

Our client’s car after the Warwick car accident.

How Much Is My Case Worth? Warwick Car Accident With Torn Labrum Results In Hip Surgery 

At Kent Hospital doctors diagnosed multiple personal injuries from the auto accident.  The immediate injuries included a head injury (serious concussion) and personal injuries to the neck, back and ribs. 

Right away, our client was out of work, out of a car, and in severe pain.  He got in touch with us for a free case review right away which was a smart move – studies show that injury victims with an experienced personal injury attorney ultimately received 3 and a half more times in their settlement than those without a lawyer.  

And this case turned out to be serious.  Soon, a hip MRI revealed damage to his labrum, a torn labrum.  Unfortunately, he was going to need surgery.   

Our client after the warwick car accident

Our Client’s Hip Post Surgery

Post-surgery, our client needed to be on crutches, and this would keep him out of work for some time. We encouraged him to get better as he started physical therapy, and we began our investigation on the case.

Warwick Car Accident

Client On Crunches Post Surgery

How Much Is My Case Worth? Car Accident With Torn Labrum Results In Hip Surgery 

The value of your case involves many factors. Call or text us now for a free case review where we can start to evaluate your specific situation,  In this case, our client’s case value increased with each day passing of the more serious tear, missed work, surgery, and post operative recovery.  Disputing fault for a car accident often means arguing against the insurance companies that you are not solely at fault. 

In this case, our client was struck by a careless driver that fled the scene. In some cases, we can try to find out what type of insurance the driver has if we can get our hands on the plate number.  

Warwick Car accident airbags deployed

The inside of our client’s car after the accident.

While our client was in treatment, my legal team got to work investigating the legal side of insurance law.  When there is an apparent uninsured at fault driver, we want to take certain steps in our process to determine any assets or coverage.  

Unfortunately, after investigation, we concluded that there was no applicable coverage or meaningful assets.  Therefore, we explained to our client the value of his purchasing full coverage on his own auto policy, including Uninsured Motorist Coverage. As I have written about in the past, UM coverage affords you the right to pursue a legal claim in the same manner as if the other driver had coverage (without your rates rising).

You would be surprised that even “your own” insurance companies do not want to help easily.  After proving our case through much work and diligence.  Ultimately we were able to reach an out of court settlement for $200,000.00.  Our client was slowly recovering and was able to pay off his bills, medical expenses and continue physical therapy treatment after the accident. Him and his significant other would have an anniversary, they certainly would never forget.

If you or a loved one are involved in a hit & run, reach out to The Bottaro Law Firm 24/7 for a free consultation and we can help you still get the settlement you deserve. 

It’s Good to Know Bottaro Law – 24/7 Top Rated Personal Injury Help

At the Bottaro Law Firm, we care for people.  Attorney Mike Bottaro and his team handles all types of personal injury cases including car accident cases throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts.  We can also help on cases in other states as well.  Honesty. Integrity. Results.  Call or text us right now 24/7 for live help with a free case review at (401) 777-7777; chat, email, or feel free to complete our online form.  We are here to serve and help you!