Why do personal injury lawyers have a low opinion to many in the public? I am proud of having served the public for two decades fighting for the injured. But I can understand the perception that those who have not needed a … Continue reading
Month: March 2020
It is tragic when I hear of someone in our community being injured by a drunk driver in a car accident and very satisfying to stand up against drunk driving. Today, I wanted to share a recent drunk driving auto accident … Continue reading
Have you ever seen anything like this? COVID-19, or coronavirus, has drastically changed our everyday lives. The tragedy of COVID 19 will be felt forever. This is an especially trying time for our personal injury clients, people who are dealing with injuries … Continue reading

Each year it seems, we learn of tragic car accident personal injury claims around this holiday. St Patrick’s Day is a day of celebration and is known to be a big drinking day (beer and whiskey, anyone?). But drunk driving … Continue reading
Should I be posting to social media after a car accident or personal injury? This is a question that I receive a lot and for which we advise our clients here in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. In short, social media … Continue reading

Did you know how important it is to use the proper safety guards on a table saw? And to train on how to make table cuts? Let me tell you about how I was able to help a seriously injured … Continue reading