When negative behaviors or habits seem as perennial as the grass, there is often a misguided tendency on all of our parts to become immune to their existence or to the impact these behaviors have on others. We become, at … Continue reading
Month: December 2013
December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the detrimental effects driving under the influence has on the safety of our highway. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported 10,228 people were killed … Continue reading
Assume Medicare has paid a beneficiary’s medical expenses that were related to a personal injury claim. And assume that the beneficiary has successfully recovered a personal injury settlement from an at fault party. It is critical to understand that the … Continue reading
The temperature of the coffee served at restaurants like McDonald’s has been in the public’s mind for nearly two decades. In a famous coffee case from 1994, the plaintiff won her lawsuit after suffering burns from McDonald’s coffee. The coffee’s … Continue reading