Month: September 2017

What if you are injured on someone else’s property by falling in a puddle of water caused by a leaky roof? You are wondering if you have a claim against the landowner. Then you find out that the same puddle … Continue reading

Rhode Island landowners have a duty to protect against the risks of a dangerous condition existing on their premises. If a person suffers injuries after slipping and falling on the landowner’s property, the landowner may be held liable but only … Continue reading

Nursing Home Deaths Following Hurricane Irma Eight deaths at a Florida nursing home following Hurricane Irma left people wondering – how could this happen? Eight residents, ages 70 to 99, of Rehabilitation Center at Hollywood Hills were found dead after the … Continue reading

Drivers often assume that when they have a green light, and the right of way, they have no further duties when entering an intersection.  However failing to exercise due care at an intersection can lead to serious accidents and subsequent … Continue reading

“Danger invites rescue. The cry of distress is the summons to relief.”[1] Courts have long recognized that individuals are compelled to stop and help others who are in need. Under Rhode Island’s Good Samaritan Act, not only is an individual … Continue reading