Did you know that if a nursing resident suffers negligence from a Rhode Island nursing home, that resident has important legal rights? At our firm, we are proud to represent victims of nursing home abuse in personal injury cases. If you or a loved one suspect abuse such as falls, bedsores, dehydration, and the like, we offer a free 24/7 confidential case review. In today’s blog, I’d like to provide some best advice on being a great patient advocate. Namely, knowing important facility staffing hours data about the Rhode Island nursing homes.
What is Rhode Island Nursing Home Abuse? Do I Have a Case?
Rhode Island nursing home abuse is a general term that typically relates to several forms of negligence. At Bottaro Injury Lawyers, we can help pursue a civil litigation case seeking damages for personal injuries.
As mentioned above, nursing home abuse or neglect may take several forms, such as below, that result in serious bodily injury, or wrongful death.
What is “Inadequate Staffing” in a Rhode Island Nursing Home Abuse/Neglect Case?
Inadequate staffing in RI nursing home personal injury or wrongful death cases refers to dangerously low staffing levels that increase the likelihood of negligence.
This can mean that the nursing facilities intentionally does not hire or staff as many (higher priced) registered nurses or other professionals. For example, a nursing home may cut costs by relying more on lower paid CNAs or other hourly staff with little to no experience. In fact, many of these nursing homes may advertise that they hire people with no experience and quickly help them get a simple “certificate” allowing them to suddenly care for your loved one. This can obviously lead to unsafe conditions and acts of nursing home negligence.
Additionally, RI nursing homes may not have enough staff working on a given shift and/or floor or wing of a floor to adequately care for your loved one.
Inadequate staffing is often an intentional design by some larger corporations that have taken over ownership of many of our RI nursing homes.
Our RI nursing home regulations are not as specific as we would like to address this problem. Currently, there is no federally-required minimum number of staffing hours per resident day (PRPD). However, we can often establish a “standard of care” through the use of experienced nursing home experts, such as administrators.
Why is this important? If a nursing facility fails to hire and retain enough medical staff, patients simply cannot get enough care. Minimum staffing hours (PRPD) can help solve this crisis.
Newly Proposed Federally-Mandated Minimum Number of Staffing Hours Per Resident Per Day
At Bottaro Injury Lawyers, we use our combined decades of experience to handle nursing home negligence and abuse cases. Oftentimes in these cases, victims are afraid to speak up, or think their improper treatment is normal. If you see signs of a loved one’s experience with negligence or abuse, call us immediately to discuss your case.
The Biden Administration is now trying to implement a minimum number of staffing hours PRPD. On September 1, 2023, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed national staffing requirements for all long-term facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funding. The proposal includes a federally-required minimum number of staffing hours PRPD.
The state of Rhode Island requires that nursing facilities provide an average of at least 3.81 hours of direct care, PRPD. Certified nursing assistants must care for residents at least 2.6 hours out of the 3.81 required.
Earlier this year, the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) found that over 70% of nursing homes were noncompliant in early 2022. This means that the majority of residents in Rhode Island nursing homes were at a heightened risk of low-quality care. Despite this potential lack in care, RIDOH has decided to pause issuing over $40 million in fines until December 2024.
It is important that you look out for your or your loved one’s health and dignity. Call us immediately if you believe that either have been compromised.
It’s Good to Know Mike Bottaro – 24/7 Top-Rated Personal Injury Help
At Bottaro Injury Lawyers, we care for people. Attorney Mike Bottaro and his award-winning legal team handle all types of personal injury cases throughout Rhode Island including nursing home abuse cases. We can even help on cases in other states as well. We pride ourselves on our honesty, integrity, and results. Contact us 24/7 in any method you prefer for a fast, free, and confidential consultation about your case. Feel free to text or call us at 401-777-7777 or fill out our free and confidential online form. We are here to serve and help you!