Did you know that the National Safety Council (NSC) estimates that several hundred lives may be lost over the holiday weekend? Labor Day weekend personal injuries are no joke and more common than you’d think. In a study released August … Continue reading
Month: August 2024
In a noteworthy jury trial, the trial team at Bottaro Injury Lawyers scored a major victory at Bristol County Superior Court. Bottaro Injury Lawyers represents a woman who suffered multiple fractures resulting in three surgeries when a railing collapsed at … Continue reading
Did you know that our Ministry Care Team organizes firm-wide outings for our team to bond with each other outside of the office? At Bottaro Injury Lawyers, we know how important it is to host personal injury law firm team … Continue reading
Did you know that “simple” rear-end car accidents often leave victims with serious injuries? Many of our clients find themselves severely injured because the person driving behind them failed to stop in time. The exact details of your rear-end car … Continue reading
Picture this: You’re commuting to work in your sedan, per usual. The journey is always the same – a little scenic, a lot boring. You’ve driven to work at 8:30am sharp for as long as you can remember, and you’re … Continue reading
A key to being the best personal injury lawyer possible in our Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts communities we serve is engaging in continuous educational opportunities. No matter how long you’ve been it the game, you must stay sharp. That’s … Continue reading
According to the Cleveland Clinic, burns are defined as tissue damage brought on by heat, chemicals, electricity, radiation or the sun. And burns are relatively common – nearly 500,000 Americans seek medical care for accidental burns each year. If you … Continue reading
To be part of Team Bottaro, a love for giving back and bonding with teammates is a must! That’s why in 2019, Bottaro Injury Lawyers established the Ministry Care Team. This team routinely establishes our PI law firm volunteering events. … Continue reading
We’ve all heard the nickname, “ambulance chasers” thrown around to describe personal injury lawyers. But we, and other reputable personal injury attorneys, believe this nickname sells our work short! In fact, this nickname only scratches the surface of other commonly-circulated … Continue reading