Attorneys Representing Car Crash Victims across Massachusetts and Rhode Island
While estimates vary, most experts agree that more than six million car accidents occur in any given year in the U.S. We are fortunate that most do not result in fatalities or serious injury; they only involve property damage. Still, more than 90 people die in vehicle accidents in the U.S. each day. Each year, more than three million sustain some sort of injury.
What are the most common types or causes of auto accidents? What can be done to prevent them?
Rear-End Collisions
The most common type of auto accident is a rear end collision. Some urban drivers remark that they consider it unusual to arrive at work without having been slowed down by at least one rear-end incident. All too many freeway miles resemble NASCAR straightaways, with vehicles slamming down the road at high speed, with minimal distances between them. Like a NASCAR race, all goes well as long as everyone keeps moving at the observed speed. A quick tap on the brake, however, and two, three, or more of the cars may collide. Maintaining a safe distance requires some discipline. But, it can significantly reduce the risks of rear-end collisions.
Single Vehicle Accidents
Second most common among all auto accidents are those involving just one vehicle. In many rural areas, these actually are the most common – long, lonely stretches of highway tend to lure drivers into excessive speed. Speed isn’t the only issue here, however. Inattentiveness causes many one-car crashes. One-car wrecks are often associated with inclement weather, when drivers overreact to ice or snow and lose control. Generally, the key in avoiding this type of accident is to reduce speed and maintain one’s level of attention.
Intersection Accidents
Intersection accidents rank third in terms of numbers, but are some of the most serious when it comes to personal injuries and deaths. Virtually all of these crashes are caused by driver negligence: Failure to stop for a red light or stop sign, failure to yield to oncoming traffic, failure to make an appropriate turn. Often, the negligent driver is “driving while distracted.” The driver may have his or her mind on a text message, an email, or a phone call, instead of what is ahead on the road. It only takes a glance away from the wheel for one of these incidents to occur.
Lane Change Accidents
Somewhat like intersection accidents, these occur when two or more cars are proceeding in the same direction and one makes an abrupt lane change into the path of another car. As with intersection incidents, these crashes tend to cause serious injury and/or death, usually because the vehicles are traveling at a considerable speed. The key to avoiding this type of crash is to stay alert and drive defensively.
Low Speed Accidents
This fifth category involves accidents in parking lots and residential areas, usually while traveling at less than 10 miles per hour. Most of these are true “fender benders,” resulting only in property damage. Some, however, involve pedestrians who may be walking nearby. Many low speed accidents are caused by inattentive maneuvers. A driver may think that because he or she is driving at a slow speed, nothing much can happen. Yet, someone can step from behind a car. The driver of another vehicle can decide to back out of a nearby parking space at the same time. To avoid these incidents, one patrol officer suggests, “think of your car’s direction and speed – not your shopping list.”
Have You Been in a Motor Vehicle Accident?
Have you or a loved one been injured in an auto accident? If so, you deserve skillful, energetic, and experienced attorneys to help you prepare your case. The injury lawyers at the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC have the resources to investigate the accident and fight to protect your legal rights. We will pursue your case at no cost until we win. Remember that delay can harm your case. Our experienced legal team is available 24/7 for a free consultation. Give us a call at 866-529-9700, or complete our convenient online contact form.