Do you have a loved on residing in a Rhode Island nursing home? Or perhaps you are shopping for a nursing home facility here in the Ocean State. If so, you will want to check out this week’s report from GoLocalProv that reviews federal inspections data from state nursing homes from the last three to four years.
As a Rhode Island nursing home abuse lawyer, it is interesting to review the aggregate data from the last several years. By way of background, federal and state law regulates Rhode Island nursing homes. Under these laws, nursing homes are subject to various inspections, including the annual inspections referenced in this news article. During inspections, regulators record any deficiencies in violation of law. The average number of deficiencies noted in the Go Local Prov news article in Rhode Island was about 11. Notably, two Rhode island nursing homes had over 25 deficiencies! The article identifies the specific nursing homes and references an incident at one Providence nursing home where a resident suffered personal injuries after falling out of a window.
If you are concerned with whether an incident such as this could constitute nursing home abuse or elder care abuse, then you should know that Rhode Island nursing homes are required to follow federal regulations in providing care to nursing home residents. The failure to follow these regulations could result in a legal claim for personal injury, and in especially tragic cases, of wrongful death. Our firm stays updated on nursing home abuse law and we are always here to answer any questions that you may have concerning the care provided at a nursing home facility.