Want to know what upsets a jury? In my experience as a Rhode Island personal injury lawyer, there is nothing a jury dislikes more than serious injury or death resulting from alcohol use in a drunk driver or other at fault person. Drunk driving has serious consequences, including wrongful death in some cases. At the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, our lawyers are dedicated to standing up for the rights of the injured throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts after a car accident.
For your case, this can mean not only looking at the drunk, but also investigating who served the drunk the alcohol. In the law, this is referred to as “liquor liability laws,” “dram shop claims,” or “social host liquor liability.”
Today, I will focus on one aspect of our investigation: looking for social host liquor liability in Rhode Island. This may arise in a non-commercial alcohol drinking situation. Examples may include “home parties” such as graduation parties and the like.
Our Rhode Island Supreme Court has published several decisions regarding the limits of social host liability, meaning under what circumstances might a homeowner be held liable relating to the acts of an intoxicated person who causes the wrongful death or other personal injury to another?
The Court has referred to a landmark New Jersey decision from 1984 that held:
… a social host who serves alcoholic beverages to an adult guest, knowing both that the guest is visibly intoxicated and will thereafter be operating a motor vehicle, is liable for injuries inflicted upon a third party as the result of the negligent operation of a motor vehicle by the adult guest who is intoxicated.
Rhode Island law places certain limitations on such cases, so we will want to speak to you as soon as possible to investigate the case. When a car accident or other act causes a fatal wrongful death or serious personal injury, my law firm looks to hold those responsible. At the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, our laser focus on only representing the injured means that we have the resources and knowledge to get answers in any drunk driving personal injury case.
It’s Good To Know Mike Bottaro! – 24/7 Personal Injury Help
At the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, Mike and his team handle Rhode Island and Massachusetts care accident personal injury claims every day. Honesty. Integrity. Results. Our experienced legal team is here to fight for your rights. Contact us in any method you prefer 24/7 for a fast, free, and confidential consultation about your case. Text or call: 401-777-7777 or fill out our free and confidential online form.