Rhode Island Rear-End Accident Attorney: Bottaro Injury Lawyers Settle for $125,000.00 Shortly After Client’s Shoulder Surgery

For decades, rear-end car accidents have remained one of the leading types of car accidents. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 7% of all car accident fatalities come from rear-end car accidents and account for 31.7% of all car accident injuries. As a Rhode Island rear-end accident attorney, I know firsthand that there’s no shortage of rear-end car accidents in our communities.

Just because rear-end car accidents are common doesn’t mean you should skip retaining a personal injury lawyer to help you after one. Whether you’re injured in a low-speed fender bender or a multi-car highway accident, call an attorney to help you through the process.

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While today’s blog focuses on a recent rear-end accident, we support victims in all types of car and truck accidents throughout Rhode Island and southeastern Massachusetts. Call us to discuss how one of our personal injury attorneys can help you today!

Read today’s blog to help you evaluate your or your loved one’s recent car accident injuries. In today’s case review, our client faced severe chest, arm, and back pain that interrupted her life for months on end. Even if your circumstances and/or injuries are different, call us to discuss what a potential settlement may look like for you!

Hit-and-Run At-Fault Driver Changes Client’s Life for the Worst

One day, like any other, our client was driving on Airport Road in Warwick, Rhode Island. Our client was keeping up and staying in line with the traffic flow.

pickup damage

Many of our clients are forced to deal with the painful aftermath of a rear-end car accident. Even if you are in a “minor” fender bender, pay attention to your injuries and seek medical attention as needed.

While stopped, she was met with a loud bang and sudden pain – The driver behind our client slammed directly into our client’s vehicle while traveling somewhere between 25-35 MPH!

Rear-End Car Accident Leads to Months of Pain and Eventually Surgery

Our client reported chest, arm, and back pain at the scene, so emergency personnel took her to the nearest hospital. After being treated and carrying out her subsequent treatment plan, her aches and pains did not subside. Instead, she returned to her primary care physician’s (PCP) office for follow-up care.

After the accident, our client underwent months of weekly physical therapy sessions to address a myriad of pain. Our client experienced heaviness in her chest, numbness and tingling in her shoulder and hands, as well as shooting, throbbing, sharp, and achy pain in her back and knee. These persistent injuries kept our client from engaging in basic movements like bending, reaching, sleeping, and lifting. Our client’s injuries impacted her ability to work and live her life.

Our client underwent shoulder and rotator cuff repair surgery over eight months after the initial car accident and remained in significant pain leading up to and following the procedure. Doctors estimated that our client would need 9-12 months to recover fully. After her surgery, she only became more dependent, given her limited range of motion and pain. She relied on family members to cook, clean, and drive and could not work.

Why Do I Need to Consult a Rhode Island Rear-End Accident Attorney to Handle My Case?

Many people think that they don’t need to retain an attorney to handle their “straightforward” car accident cases. However, studies show that, on average, those who hire an attorney see three times the compensation. This is because skilled and local personal injury attorneys, like ours at Bottaro Injury Lawyers, know how to deal with large insurance companies that want to pay out as little as possible.

Our firm routinely supports victims in Rhode Island and Massachusetts car accidents. We aim for you to focus on recovering while we build your case. In this client’s case, we were able to use the accident report, medical records, photographs, and medical bills to make her case. Luckily, we were able to agree to a $125,000.00 settlement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company, as well as her own insurance company.

We are so grateful that our client looked to us at Bottaro Injury Lawyers to help her recover after her rear-end accident. We urge everyone to stay vigilant and safe on the road!

It’s Good to Know Mike Bottaro – 24/7 Top-Rated Personal Injury Help

At Bottaro Injury Lawyers, we care for people. Attorney Mike Bottaro and his award-winning legal team handle all types of personal injury cases throughout Rhode Island and Massachusetts. We can even help on cases in other states as well. We pride ourselves on our honesty, integrity, and results. Contact us 24/7 in any method you prefer for a fast, free, and confidential consultation about your case. Text or call us at 401-777-7777 or fill out our free and confidential online form. We are here to serve and help you!