It is a family’s worst nightmare – a high speed driver carelessly slamming the family off the highway. When a mother and daughter’s life changed after getting into a car accident on the highway, Attorney Mike Bottaro jumped on their personal injury case right away.
Warwick, Rhode Island Car Accident Personal Injuries: Herniated Disc and Head Injuries
Our clients were traveling in the right lane of Route 95 South near the Route 2 highway entrance ramp in Warwick, Rhode Island. Suddenly, a large Land Rover entered the highway at an extremely fast and reckless speed, clipping the rear corner of the mother’s car, sending her and her daughter into a tailspin off the highway – slamming them into trees off Route 95.
West Warwick and East Greenwich Fire Departments immediately responded to the scene and brought our clients to Kent County Memorial Hospital to be treated for their personal injuries. Both mother and daughter were diagnosed with concussions and sprain/strains of the back.
Both began physical therapy treatment, but their symptoms were not improving. Mom, the driver, experienced a “popping” sensation when turning her head and could not turn her head fully (decreased range of motion). Surgeons referred her for an MRI of the cervical spine, which established a disc herniation in the neck — a moderately sized left central protruded disc herniation, bordering the left C7 nerve root. After being referred to a neurosurgeon, she was also diagnosed with disk osteophyte complex with ventral compression of the thecal and severe left foraminal stenosis. This led to herniated disc surgery, an anterior cervical discectomy at C6-7 and interbody fusion and plating surgery.
The daughter’s headaches were not improving – affecting her daily life and mood. Her doctor referred her to a neurologist. An MRI was completed of her brain, where she was diagnosed with post concussive sequelae. After being referred to a neuropsychiatrist and a clinical social worker, she was diagnosed with a mild traumatic brain injury – consisting of a neurocognitive disorder and somatic symptom disorder.
Rhode Island Bad Faith Law After A Car Accident With Personal Injuries
In Rhode Island, auto insurance companies are bound by state statutory and bad faith case law to treat its insureds (customers) fairly. This includes R.I. Gen. § 9-1-33. This case involved litigation over allegations that our client’s auto insurance company did not adhere to this law. Attorney Mike Bottaro and his team have experience handling Rhode Island bad faith lawsuits against uncooperative auto insurance companies. In this case, we filed suit against in this bad faith claim. Mike worked diligently in litigation to establish our clients’ damages and make the case to obtain uninsured motorist benefits to our clients. Ultimately, the case resolved at a great settlement after attending court but before trial.
It’s Good To Know Mike Bottaro – 24/7 Personal Injury Help
At the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, we handle car accident personal injury every day. Honesty. Integrity. Results. Our experienced legal team is here to fight for your rights. Contact us in any method you prefer 24/7 for a fast, free, and confidential consultation about your case. Text or call: 401-777-7777 or fill out our free and confidential online form.