Category: Legal Updates

What if you are injured on someone else’s property by falling in a puddle of water caused by a leaky roof? You are wondering if you have a claim against the landowner. Then you find out that the same puddle … Continue reading

Drivers often assume that when they have a green light, and the right of way, they have no further duties when entering an intersection.  However failing to exercise due care at an intersection can lead to serious accidents and subsequent … Continue reading

“Danger invites rescue. The cry of distress is the summons to relief.”[1] Courts have long recognized that individuals are compelled to stop and help others who are in need. Under Rhode Island’s Good Samaritan Act, not only is an individual … Continue reading

Some may think that landowners are responsible for any injury on their premises because they have an affirmative duty to exercise reasonable care for the safety of persons expected on their land, including protecting against the risks of dangerous conditions. However, … Continue reading

Wrongful Death Cases Require a $250,000 Minimum in Rhode Island How much can the surviving beneficiaries of a person who dies from wrongful acts expect to receive at trial? Rhode Island law requires a $250,000 minimum recovery for successful wrongful … Continue reading

Against long-standing practice, the Rhode Island Supreme Court has ruled that a testifying expert’s documents, including draft reports and other materials “considered” by the expert in formulating his or her opinion, are not discoverable. An expert’s notes, testing, draft reports, … Continue reading

Court-Annexed Arbitration is Required When Filing a Lawsuit in Rhode Island 866-LAW-9700 The court-annexed arbitration process is important to understand if you have been in an accident and are considering filing a lawsuit in Rhode Island. We start this process … Continue reading