Insurance companies don’t always play fair. Watch our video blog to learn some of the tricks they use to avoid paying fair compensation, then contact us. At the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC, we fight for injury victims like you, and … Continue reading
Author: Adam Simpson
Attorney Mike Bottaro discusses how the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC team evaluates personal injury cases to help injured people like you get maximum compensation. When determining the value of your case, it’s important to consider a few factors. First, you … Continue reading
Members of the Bottaro Law team recently volunteered at the Rhode Island Ministry Food Bank to help package food. With a mission to ensure that no one in Rhode Island goes hungry, the food bank distributes food to more than … Continue reading
Wrongful Death Cases Require a $250,000 Minimum in Rhode Island How much can the surviving beneficiaries of a person who dies from wrongful acts expect to receive at trial? Rhode Island law requires a $250,000 minimum recovery for successful wrongful … Continue reading
April has been designated as National Distracted Driving Awareness Month and as we head into the warm weather season, it is more important than ever to warn our younger drivers about the dangers associated with texting while driving. Attorney Bottaro is … Continue reading
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 2 million people annually experience Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), with 14.3% caused by traffic accidents. Using those percentages, a staggering 286,000 TBIs result from car crashes every year. Since brain … Continue reading
We can all agree that a slip and fall can be embarrassing, painful, and traumatic. Did you know, in some cases, a slip and fall could lead to brain injury? If you hit your head when you fall, brain injury … Continue reading
Some personal injury attorneys in Rhode Island have an unfortunate first-hand awareness of brain injury. If a client suffers a slip and fall or car accident, there is the frightening chance that brain injury could result. In the United States, … Continue reading
A fall can be very embarrassing, painful, and traumatic. If you are a victim of a slip and fall in Rhode Island, there are five things that could jeopardize any case and related compensation. Be sure to follow these cautionary … Continue reading
In honor of Black History Month, the Bottaro Law Firm, LLC pays tribute to a few notable African American jurists that made a difference in our courts and in our nation. Dennis Wayne Archer An African American lawyer and politician … Continue reading